
Showing posts from November, 2007

Spes Salvi

Il-Papa Benedittu XVI, illum il-Gimgha 30 ta' Novembru 2007, ippublika t-tieni Enciklika tieghu bl-isem ta' " Spes Salvi ". Kif jindika l-isem stess din titratta fuq xi t-Tama nisranija. Niftakru li l-ewwel enciklika tal-Papa kienet " Deus Caritas Est " li titkellem fuq l-Imhabba nisranija. Wiehed jistenna li aktar 'il quddiem l-istess Papa jikteb enciklika dwar il-Fidi nisranija. F'dan il-link hawn l-enciklika l-gdida bl-ingliz. Nissuggerixxi li taqrawha ghax hija ghajn ta' taghlim safi dwar dak li d-dinja ghandha bzonn illum il-gurnata: tama li ssalva . Hoy, el dia 30 de Noviembre de 2007, el Papa Benedicto XVI ha publicado su segunda enciclica: " Spe Salvi ". Como su nombre indica, la enciclica habla de la esperanza cristiana. Recordamos que la primera, " Deus Caristas Est " se trata el tema del Amor cristiano. Int...

Sancta Caecilia

Santa Cecilja, patruna tal-muzicisti u kantanti. Il-memorja taghha tigi ccelebrata kemm fil-Knisja Latina kif ukoll fil-Knisja Ortodossa nhar it-22 ta´ Novembru. She was a cultivated young patrician woman whose ancestors loomed large in Rome's history. She vowed her virginity to God, but her parents married her to Valerian of Trastevere. Cecilia told her new husband that she was accompanied by an angel, but in order to see it, he must be purified. He agreed to the purification, and was baptised; returning from the ceremony, he found her in prayer accompanied by a praying angel l . The angel placed a crown on each of their heads, and offered Valerian a favor; the new convert asked that his brother be baptised. The two brothers developed a ministry of giving proper burial to martyred Christians. In their turn they were arrested and martyred for their faith. Cecilia buried them at her villa on the Via Appia , and was arrested for the action. She was ordered to sacrifice to false gods;...

P.Charló Camilleri

P.Charló u jien go Plaza Mayor, Salamanca Fr Charló and I in Plaza Mayor, Salamanca P. Charló y yo en Plaza Mayor, Salamanca

Alba de Tormes

Is-sepulkru ta´ Santa Teresa ta´Gesú The sepulchre of St Theresa of Jesus El sepulcro de Santa Teresa de Jesús