
Showing posts from February, 2008

"If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat. If he is thirsty, give him water to drink." Proverbs 25, 21

3rd Sunday in Lent: Reviving waters In the work done for our purification, our part is to imitate Christ’s humility and to wait for the Father’s healing of our wounds, while concurring with the divine will and not falling back on our ego. We call the name of Jesus and his mercy will purify us, absolving our sin. We draw water from the inexhaustible fount of the Word of God and, in good time, living water will gush out of our heart. St Augustine on today's Gospel: Reading from The Interior Castle of Saint Teresa of Jesus (VI /11, 5-7) O Almighty God! how profound are Thy secrets and how different are spiritual matters from anything that can be seen or heard in this world! I can find nothing to which to liken these graces, insignificant as they are compared with many others Thou dost bestow on souls. This favour acts so strongly upon the spirit that it is consumed by desires yet knows not what to ask, for...

Let´s make the web worthwhile!!!!!

The following is a link to the Parish of St Benedict in the Archdiocese of Boston, USA. It uploads video clips every week explaining the Sunday Gospel with a very close eye on how to apply the words of Jesus Christ in our ordinary life. Although mostly spoken in an American reality, I think we can all take something from what Jesus tells us through Fr Robert J. Curr. Here is a sample video: The Solemnity of Christ the King God Bless Us All

Lord the light of your life is shining

2nd Week in Lent: Inner transformation To reach union with God it is necessary that mind and will are purifie: the monk’s cell is actually cimparable to the oven in Babylon we find in the Bible. Yet whoever sets off resolutely on the path towards the discovery of divine beauty, will achieve a state of awareness of Him Who is immutable. God is fire and He transforms us. Dal Discorsi de san Leone Magno, Papa Questo è il Figlio mio , che non ha aspirato a impadronirsi di quell'uguaglianza che condivide insieme con me e non l'ha usurpata. Mantenendosi nella mia stessa condizione gloriosa, ha voluto abbassare la sua immutabile divinità fino alla condizione di schiavo per realizzare il nostro comune disegno di redimere il genere umano. Lui dunque, oggetto assoluto delle mie compiacenze, il cui insegnamento mi rivela, la cui umiltà mi esalta, lui dovete senza esitazione ascoltare. E gli è la verità e la v...

Something to think about the desert

1st Week in Lent: Spiritual combat in the desert The Gospel bids us always to practise vigilance everywhere. Without neglecting small things, the faithful should above all guard his thoughts and not fear at all the attacks that come from temptation – the biggest of all being sloth, idleness – because the one who is leading him is He Who reigns over all.We can keep a brake on our passions only if we are “held” by the Spirit. Dai Discorsi di san Leone Magno Nel vangelo odierno il Signore vinse l'avversario con le testimonianze della legge, senza far uso della sua potenza. In tal modo intese onorare di più l'uomo e punire di più l'avversario; infatti il nemico del genere umano fu vinto da lui, si direbbe, non già in quanto Dio, ma in quanto uomo. Egli dunque combatté in quella circostanza, perché poi anche noi combattessimo; e vinse, perché anche noi come lui potessimo vincere. Non esiste, miei cari, azione virtuos...