
Showing posts from October, 2010

Oh Beata Solitudo!

"The friend is me and I am the friend" (Matteo Ricci)

Sunrise ... sunset ...


"Shine your light so I can see you"

Send me a sign, a hint, O whisper Fill me with life 'cause I am listening Come break the quiet, breathe your awakening Bring me the light 'cause I am fading Surround me with the rush of angels' wings Shine Your light so I can see You Pull me up, I need to be near You Hold me, I need to feel loved Can You overcome this heart that's overcome? You sent a sign, the hint, O whisper Human, divine, everyone is listening Death laid low, quiet in the night is stirring All around the rush of angels O the wonder of the greatest love has come Shine Your light so all can see it Lifted up, 'cause the whole world needs it Love has come, what joy to hear it He has overcome, He has overcome

Sunset view from my room


Πάντοτε προσεύχεσθαι “… pregare sempre …”

La porta per entrare nel castello interiore della nostra anima è la preghiera. Così scrive Santa Teresa di Gesù al inizio della sua opera Las Moradas . È sempre stato un dilemma (per chi vuole prendere la vita spirituale sul serio) come si prega incessantemente. Mosè, di fronte alla guerra di Amalèk, il salmista, San Paolo e la vedova che chiedeva giustizia dal giudice ci hanno qualcosa d’insegnarci oggi per risolvere il dilemma. Il prefisso greco προσ nel verbo προσ εύχεσθαι [pros-euchestai ] in Lc 18:1 si può tradurre così: “è vantaggioso”, “verso”, “a” (nel senso di prossimità). Il senso che dà questo verbo nel greco originale dunque è sia della prossimità vantaggiosa del pregare e sia del viaggiare verso qualcosa che sta sempre un po’ più avanti di noi, quasi irraggiungibile. E questo è proprio il significato della preghiera. Come ancora scrive Sta Teresa, “l’orazione non è pensare molto ma amare molto.” Quindi “pregare incessantemente” significa “amare incessantemente”. Da...

La Preghiera Incessante

Si prega come gli angeli dinanzi al Signore, pronti e attenti a ogni sua parola. Si appassiona per le cose divine non per motivo proprio ma perché come gli angeli messaggeri noi possiamo rendere la Parola di Dio presente ovunque siamo. From "The Life of St Gregory Palamas" by St Nikodemus of the Holy Mountain on unceasing prayer Let no one think, my fellow Christians, that only the clergy and the monks are obliged to pray unceasingly and at all times, and not also the laity. Oh, no! All of us Christians are obliged to pray always, as well. To demonstrate this, Philotheos, that most-holy Patriarch of Constantinople, writes the following, in his biography of St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica. The divine Gregory had a beloved friend named Job, a very simple man of great virtue. Once when they were conversing, Gregory told him about prayer, that each Christian individually ought always to make an effort to pray, and to pray unceasingly, as the Apostle Paul exhorts a...

Un Gesto de Amor

A gesture of love is not beyond your reach

Piazza Venezia


Something to think about

"Because I'm a Girl" by Kiss The story begins with the scene of a photograp her who was taking a picture for an automobile magazine. He accidentaly took a picture of a girl who was walking across right in front of his camera. She excused politely and went away. One day, the photographer went to a salon which by accident was the the same place where the girl worked. He left his bini in the salon (by accident), leaving the girl a chance to come by his workplace to return it. So she came to his studio and returned his bini. But before she left, he made her pose as a model. They found out that they shared a same passion. He was a professional photographer and she was a girl who dreamed to be a model. They became close and spent a lot of time together. He took a lot of pictures of her and published them. One day, an accident happened while she was trying to get something from a high rack in his studio. An unlid bottle of photographic product fell and spilled on her eyes. She...


This glancing life is like a morning star A setting sun, or rolling waves at sea A gentle breeze or lightning in a storm A dancing dream of all eternity The sand was shimmering in the morning light And dancing off the dunes so far away The night held music so sweet, so long And there we lay until the break of day We woke that morning at the onward call Our camels bridled up, our howdahs full The sun was rising in the eastern sky Just as we set out to the desert's cry Calling, yearning, pulling, home to you The tents grew smaller as we rode away On earth that tells of many passing days The months of peace and all the years of war The lives of love and all the lives of fears Calling, yearning, pulling, home to you We crossed the river beds all etched in stone And up the mighty mountains ever known Beyond the valleys in the searing heat Until we reached the caravanserai Calling, yearning, pulling, home to you Calling, yearning, pulling, home to you What is this life the pulls me far a...

La Morte Vivificante

Si legge Lc 17:11-19 Il cammino lungo il quale procede Gesù in questa parte del Vangelo di Luca va verso Gerusalemme, dove offrirà se stesso come sacrificio per noi, in una morte che vivifica. L’ambiente più ampio di questo brano fa parte della catechesi che Luca ci offre dove presenta Gesù come “il Maestro” (17:13) della vita di preghiera, in modo concreto della vita abbracciata con la croce. È importante notare un punto prominente; è appunto lunga la via che porta alla morte che Gesù guarisce i dieci lebbrosi donandoli la vita di nuovo. Ricordiamo che per la società giudea i lebbrosi erano considerati esclusi dalla vita sociale, in pratica loro non potevano partecipare in quegli atti e obblighi più indicativi della vita giudaica che si facevano tutti in comune, nella società – come per esempio andare alla sinagoga, al tempio, vivere con la propria famiglia, e così via. In un certo modo, quindi, questo vuol dire che i lebbrosi erano considerati esclusi dal popolo eletto da Dio, i...


Zjara lis-sorijiet tal-klawsura karmelitani li jinsabu fil-monasteru ta' Vetralla, l-Italja.

Returning Thanks

A Reading from the Gospel of Luke (17:11-19) Now on his way to J erusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us!" When h e saw them, he said, "Go, show yourselves to the priests." And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him—an d he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" Then he said to him, "Rise and go; your faith has made you well." Reflection by Dr Scott Hahn A foreign leper is cleansed and in thanksgiving returns to offer homage to the God of Israel . We hear this same story in both the First Reading and Gospel today. There ...

Major new Carmelite resource published

A major new resource has been published for Carmelites, both lay and religious, and for anyone interesting in exploring "Carmel". The book, entitled Climbing the Mountain: The Carmelite Journey , has been published jointly by Saint Albert's Press (the publishing house of the British Province of Carmelites) and Edizioni Carmelitane (the Order's central publishing house in Rome). It was printed by the Carmelite friars in the Czech Republic, and published on 1st October 2010, the feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Climbing the Mountain is a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to all the major themes of Carmelite spirituality. It collates in book form the initial formation programme of the Carmelite Third Order in Britain, published in Assumpta magazine between 2005 and 2007. In book form the material has been expanded in both its artwork and content to appeal to the broader Carmelite Family worldwide, and is going to be used as an initial and ongoing formation r...

Dante's Prayer by Lorreena McKennitt

When the dark wood fell before me And all the paths were overgrown When the priests of pride say there is no other way I tilled the sorrows of stone I did not believe because I could not see Though you came to me in the night When the dawn seemed forever lost You showed me your love in the light of the stars Cast your eyes on the ocean Cast your soul to the sea When the dark night seems endless Please remember me Then the mountain rose before me By the deep well of desire From the fountain of forgiveness Beyond the ice and the fire Cast your eyes on the ocean Cast your soul to the sea When the dark night seems endless Please remember me Though we share this humble path, alone How fragile is the heart Oh give these clay feet wings to fly To touch the face of the stars Breathe life into this feeble heart Lift this mortal veil of fear Take these crumbled hopes, etched with tears We'll rise above these earthly care...

Chiamati alla fraternità

L o scorso 1 ottobre, festa di santa Teresa del Bambino Gesù, patrona delle missioni, noi studenti carmelitani ci siamo incontrati con alcuni monaci dal Tibet. Così, abbiamo vissuto l'esperienza stessa di Sta Teresina di portare sulla terra quel la pace e il bene che vuole da noi il nostro Dio Creatore, Padre di tutti noi. Ogni cosa può essere un'opportunità per dialogare con le altre religioni del mondo, così imparando uno degli altri il rispetto per la diversità e il fondamento essenziale positivo della globalizzazione. Così scrive il Santo Padre nella sua Enciclica Caritas in veritate [42]: Sometimes globalisation is viewed in fatalistic terms, as if the dynamics involved were the product of anonymous impersonal forces or structures independent of the human will. In this regard it is useful to r emember that while globalisation should certainly be understood as a socio-economic process, this is not its only dimension. Underneath the more visible process, humanity itself...