Si prega come gli angeli dinanzi al Signore, pronti e attenti a ogni sua parola. Si appassiona per le cose divine non per motivo proprio ma perché come gli angeli messaggeri noi possiamo rendere la Parola di Dio presente ovunque siamo. From "The Life of St Gregory Palamas" by St Nikodemus of the Holy Mountain on unceasing prayer Let no one think, my fellow Christians, that only the clergy and the monks are obliged to pray unceasingly and at all times, and not also the laity. Oh, no! All of us Christians are obliged to pray always, as well. To demonstrate this, Philotheos, that most-holy Patriarch of Constantinople, writes the following, in his biography of St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica. The divine Gregory had a beloved friend named Job, a very simple man of great virtue. Once when they were conversing, Gregory told him about prayer, that each Christian individually ought always to make an effort to pray, and to pray unceasingly, as the Apostle Paul exhorts a...