Major new Carmelite resource published

A major new resource has been published for Carmelites, both lay and religious, and for anyone interesting in exploring "Carmel". The book, entitled Climbing the Mountain: The Carmelite Journey, has been published jointly by Saint Albert's Press(the publishing house of the British Province of Carmelites) and Edizioni Carmelitane (the Order's central publishing house in Rome). It was printed by the Carmelite friars in the Czech Republic, and published on 1st October 2010, the feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux.
Climbing the Mountain is a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to all the major themes of Carmelite spirituality. It collates in book form the initial formation programme of the Carmelite Third Order in Britain, published in Assumpta magazine between 2005 and 2007. In book form the material has been expanded in both its artwork and content to appeal to the broader Carmelite Family worldwide, and is going to be used as an initial and ongoing formation resource by both Lay Carmelites and the Order's religious. It is hoped that its twenty sections on different aspects of the Carmelite way of life will provide a source not only of information but also inspiration, and some provinces of the Order have already purchased it in bulk for wide distribution.
Climbing the Mountain has been edited by Johan Bergström-Allen, a Lay Carmelite based in York, England, where he convenes a Carmelite Spirituality Group. Johan runs the Projects & Publications Office of the British Province of Carmelites and is a founding Board member of the Carmelite Institute of Britain & Ireland (CIBI). Johan edited the initial formation programme published in Assumpta, andspeaking of the new book said: "For me this project has been hard work, but a labour of love. I really hope that Climbing the Mountainwill give people a glimpse of what Carmel has to offer today's Church and Society, namely a deep source of wisdom that is somehow both timeless and tremendously relevent to the present moment. I'm very grateful to the Carmelites, both lay and religious, who contributed to the original formation programme, and to its revised form."
At 608 pages, with over 500 colour illustrations, the publication ofClimbing the Mountain is the result of a major process of editing and updating. Praise for the book has already been widespread. The Prior General of the Carmelite Order, Most Rev. Fernando Millán Romeral, O.Carm., said: "This beautiful publication will serve as a sure map and compass for anyone on life’s journey who wishes to explore the rich tradition and wisdom of Carmel.” The Prior Provincial of the British Province of Carmelites, Fr. Wilfrid McGreal, O.Carm., added: "I hope every member of the Carmelite Family in the English-speaking world - indeed perhaps beyond - will want a copy of this book, which is truly a great resource that we are pleased to have published in Britain as a service to the wider Order. I have watched its development with great interest, and I'm certain that Climbing the Mountain will prompt much discussion, reflection and action. I'm impressed that it can be used by individuals or communities, and presents information in a way that helps the reader to integrate what they read into their own life experience. No doubt this publication will lead Carmelites - of whatever way of life - to ponder more deeply the vocation we have received."